Monday, February 6, 2012

Garebek Sekaten At Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat Palace

Grebeg Maulud 1433 H starting from Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace performances on Sunday (5/2)
The Gunungan celebration of Garebek Sekaten this time a little bit different from previous years. If last year the gunungan Sekaten contested in two places, each in the courtyard of Mosque Gede Kauman and Pakualaman Puro, but this time also contested in Kepatihan. In celebration of this time, the gunungan Sekaten Ngayogyakarta Palace, Sunday (5/2) Ngayogyakarta palace carrying the seven mountains. That seven gunungan, five gunungan contested in the Mosque Gede Kauman. and Each other one gunungan on Puro Pakualaman and Kepatihan.

Seven gunungan was brought hundreds of courtiers of Sultan's Palace. A total of 12 bregodo Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace soldiers guarding the procession of seven gunungan consisting of three Gunungan Kakung, Gunungan Putri, Gunungan Dharat and Gunungan Pawuhan.

In making the gunungan, the courtiers keep themselves calm, patient, and of course keep prating to the Lord for the gunungan that made ​​have perfect result.
The procession of gunungan out this time, not as usual. The ceremony begins promptly at 10:00 pm with the Ngayogyakarta palace of soldiers guarded led by "Manggalayudha" Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace, GBPH H Yudaningrat brother of Ngrasa Dalem Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X. 

Residents who have managed to snatch up into the gunungan and get one part of the gunungan, even the blades of bamboo gunungan form the basis of making a bone of contention were not spared the masses. In a few moment, gunungan that large enough was "disappeared". 

Garebek ceremony this time, also more disciplined because before the show first started, people who had been waiting since morning praying for the ceremony and not be totally captured it. After all people prayer directly scramble the five gunungan that placed on the courtyard of Mosque Gede, Kauman.

So that not a few people were trampled and fainting. At least more than five people fainted, because thrust and trampled when scrambling the gunungan.

Thousands of people of Yogyakarta and foreign tourists, so excited to watch one of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace tradition that has been running for hundreds of years. The advanced nations would not forget the culture and traditions of their nation.

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